I don't know how to begin, really. All I know is this is my favorite book of all time! Well, okay... ONE of the favorite books.
I remember first reading "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli when I was in 6th grade. I'm not going to write the synopsis of the book or anything like that. I'll just be sharing with you guys what I loved about it.
First of all, the title alone is mesmerizing. Add to the fact that one of the main characters in the book is actually named Stargirl. That character alone is enough for a young girl like me (I was young when I read it, ok? Haha). It made me want to be different and not be afraid about it. Her name's Susan but she introduced herself as Stargirl just because she wanted to! I wish I was brave enough to have introduced myself with a different name just because I felt like it.
Stargirl never showed fear about being secluded or persecuted by her peers so long as what she's doing makes her feel happy even if that thing is not considered as normal under such circumstances. Well, not until she met Leo! ♥
If Leo was a real guy, he'd probably be one of my first loves/crush. Typical guy, yes. But the way he treated Stargirl and how he described her (he's the one narrating in the book) is just too sweet. So imagine my dismay when I read the sequel of Stargirl, "Love, Stargirl" and found out that Leo wasn't in it! I know, I'm biased. But whatever.
I highly recommend this book for young readers. I believe it's about finding yourself, loving for the first time, finding true friends and believing in yourself and the ones you love. All of life's greatest lessons in one book! What can be nicer than that?
I remember writing about this book in one of my major subject's paper this semester. I was surprised that my professor graded me a perfect score for it and that she added a note at the bottom and said that she herself read it personally when she was about 15 years old. I was happy that she was able to relate to my submitted paper.
So, the next time you visit a bookstore or library, I encourage you to look for this book. And then tell me all about it once you finish reading it. ;)
Happy reading!
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