Aside from stating the obvious in this post's title, I have come to realize that most of the time, the firsts are usually the ones you will remember.
First love, first kiss, first dance, first heartbreak, first car, first salary, first out of country travel, first cellphone, first crush, first accident, first book to finish, and so on and on and on...
In my case, I will forever remember my first time to travel around Panama City Beach alone.
Yesterday (March 25, 20130), I biked all the way to work (can you believe I actually rode a bike to work?! Hahaha. I can't) only to arrive there and find out that it was still my day off. Day before that, Sunday, it was my day off also. We were supposed to get our schedule for the week through e-mail but as usual, I received none. So when I got to work and looked at the schedule post on the refrigerator and didn't see my name on the Monday list, I was surprised and devastated.
I freakin' biked all the way here in the very cold morning which cause my fingers, toes and face to go numb and yet I'm not needed here at all?!?!
I biked home alone.
That was my first first for that day.
On that bike ride home, I got into another first. An accident.
I was almost home, biking on at Clara Ave., at the side of Hutchison Elementary School, when all of a sudden, I lost control of my bicycle and I hit the fence of the school. The impact wasn't that hard to flip me onto the air and land me a few meters away from my bike... but I did lunge forward, fell to the side beside my bike and grazed my hand onto the pavement.
I'd have to thank the freezing weather that my fingers were so numb that I didn't feel anything when I hit the ground...only when I got home and had my hand submerged in hot water to defrost it did I start to feel the pain of my fall.
A day off after another day off? That was a first. It almost felt like I actually had a weekend. But then again, what was I to do with my day? I didn't want to make time fly past me by going to sleep all day...although I do treasure sleep more than anything in this world right now.
I called a cab.
That was another first since I literally lost all hope and gave up on taxi/cabs here in Panama City Beach. I've branded them useless since every time I called for one in the past, none came after 2-3 hours of waiting. So when the operator answered the phone and told me that someone can pick me up in my apartment within 15 minutes, I literally jumped for joy! I have been in desperate need of a new pair of jeans since I only bought 2 on my trip here.
First time I went to the nearest mall, Pier Park, alone since I got here. It felt liberating.
First time to go out alone! All dressed in comfy clothes for the ultimate shopping experience! |
Pier Park, Panama City Beach, Florida |
In the Philippines, I'm used to malls being indoors. Like one whole building with aircondition and walls all around... but here, it's different. We have malls like this back at home also but here, it still feels like there's an aircondition on no matter where you are. In fact, it's colder outside than it is inside the stores. It's crazy!
Of course, my first stop at the mall will and must be...
Forever 21! Yes, no matter where I am in this world, this store will always be number one on my list of affordable yet fashionable clothes store. Here, I got a pair of jeans, 2 tank tops, a sleeveless shirt and a cardigan.
Second, I went to American Eagle Outfitters where I bought my first pair of jeans from their brand. I was so excited since they have everything at 40% off! Nothing beats the s-a-l-e word. It's a universal language for us shopaholics.
Next, I went to Sunglass Hut where I bought myself a treat: Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses! ♥ My first ever signature thing that I bought for myself. I've been working so hard that I felt like I needed to splurge on something for myself... so I did! It was like love at first sight for me and this D&G.
Aren't they a beauty??? It's made for me. I can feel it. I mean my head is big like literally. So sunglasses tend to hurt the side of my head/temples when I wear them for an extensive amount of time and this one never did. Also, I can pull it over my head and use it as a headband which not all sunglasses can. In my case, that is. ;) Sometimes, expensive really is better, huh?
If your'e wondering why there's a Chanel bag at the back of my sunglasses... well, it's because I splurged on another thing. But it's not for me! This one, I bought for my older sister Maple. I wanted to buy her something that will really make her happy since I won't be there to celebrate her 24th birthday this coming May. Also, she's been wanting something Chanel since I can't remember. And since we're not exactly rich to be able to afford such brands at any day, I decided to get her something. I couldn't afford the bag that she wanted so I got her the 2nd best thing she likes: sunglasses.
**Maple, if you're reading this, I know that you want the quilted purse but I can only afford the quilted sunglasses case. So here you go! Advance happy birthday! I miss you and I hope that you'll forever cherish this and not break it because I've worked so hard to be able to afford this. ♥
Of course, since I'm going to New York (hopefully) and Los Angeles, I need some umph to my outfit since I don't own anything else that is branded. So I'll just use this. Haha.
Another first is my favorite word on my wrist! Not a tattoo if that's what you're thinking... it's this pretty BCBG wrist band!
I got it at Dillard's. It was my first time to go there as well. I also went to JCPenney and bought this cute little wallet. I've been dragging around this huge wallet of mine that carries my passport and plane tickets. But I don't want to anymore since I might lose it and stuff so I got this little cutie to stash my cash in and carry around!
Another and last first is my trip to Target. It's not my first time to go there but it's my first time to be there alone. I bought the craziest and prettiest things I could find! But... I'll write a separate post on that. This one's too long already.
Anyway, I just want to say that whatever I'm spending with these... I earned it all. It's okay to splurge every once in a while. Just make sure that you take full responsibility for it.
If I learned one thing from my stay here, it's that earning money is hard. Money don't grow on trees. It's silly to say it but it's true.
I stand up for more than 8 hours a day just to be able to buy myself and my loved ones the things we like. So if your parents don't happen to buy or give you what you want immediately, don't hate them. It's hard to earn a living, you know. If you don't know... well, wait until your first job.
Oh and this is my first job! Hahaha. I can't believe I forgot that one.
Good night! Be responsible.